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The kiwi fruit, or Chinese gooseberry, originally grew Wild in China. Kiwis are a nutrient-dense food — they are rich in nutrients and low in calories.


What is kiwi fruit?

Kiwifruit (often shortened to kiwi outside Australia and New Zealand) or Chinese gooseberry is the edible berry of several species of woody vines in the genus Actinidia.

The red kiwi is bred with a natural semi- information about transparent crimson coloured red flesh.


What make the difference between red kiwi fruit and the other is that it is more sweet, juicy, softer, less astringent with a nice strawberry flavour as well. For the nutrient content of red kiwifruit follow the table below to know more about it

The table below shows the amounts of specific nutrients in a kiwi weighing 69 g.

It also shows how much of each nutrient an adult needs per day, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015–2020. However, specific requirements vary, depending on a person’s age and sex.


Amount in 1 kiwi (69 g)

Daily adult requirement

Energy (calories)



Carbohydrates (g)

10.1, including 6.2 g of sugar


Fiber (g)



Calcium (mg)



Magnesium (mg)



Phosphorus (mg)



Potassium (mg)



Copper (mcg)



Vitamin C (mg)



Folate (mcg)



Beta carotene (mcg)


No data

Lutein & zeaxanthin (mcg)


No data

Vitamin E (mg)



Vitamin K (mcg)



Kiwi also contains small amounts of iron, vitamin A, and vitamins other than folate.


Like most of the fruit, red kiwifruit has also an important role to play for the health. Among them we have:

Asthma treatment: in this case the vitamin C and the antioxidant that kiwis contain can help to heal people with asthma.

Aids digestion: thank to the fiber and proteolytic enzyme that kiwis contain it facilitate digestion.

Manages blood pressure

 Protects against vision loss

Reduce blood clotting

Boosts the immune system: the large presence of vitamin c in kiwi help to boost the immune system. Please to discover other natural fruit benefits through this link

  • Natural herbal tea for cancer


    In ancient times our forefathers used safely herbal, leaves and roots to heal themselves. During recent finding, some research shows that 90% of effective cancer medicine contain active herbal ingredients.

    It has also been proven that herbal medicine presents fewer side effects than prescription medication.

    Herbal medicines often have a lower risk of side effects than standard-of-care drugs. This is partly because they are less potent than pharmaceuticals.

    Herbal medicine may come in the form of tablets or capsules, creams, teas, or tinctures (an alcohol-based concentrate).

    Before engaging in any herbal medicine treatment try to inform your doctor for more guidance.

    You can also get in touch with us on

    22967546677 for further explanation.

    Herbal medicines for cancer

    Herbal tea 100

    Herbal tea 100 is a multi-healing remedy that kills more than 12 types of cancer. It is an absorbent and adsorbent remedy that neutralizes malignant cells and preserves healthy cells. The herbal tea acts quickly on cancer cells, affecting them in such a way that they disintegrate within 72hours, which allows the regeneration of new healthy cells in the body. Click on the link below to know more about this natural herbal tea:



    This compound is found in St. John’s Wort and it may help kill cancer cells. According to a recent study published in the Medical Journal of Australia, hypericin makes certain cancer cells more likely to die after photodynamic therapy which is an experimental treatment for mesothelioma.


    This herb shows anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects in lab studies. It can also reduce chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting, according to a review published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia. But ginger should be strictly avoided before and after surgery. It promotes bleeding and should be avoided by patients with a low platelet count.

    Aloe Vera

    A recent review published in Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews reported that taking aloe vera during chemotherapy helped prevent mouth sores in some patients.

    You may also like fibroid removal with aloe vera.


    Mistletoe Extracts

    Also known as Iscador, research done in humans suggests that mistletoe reduces symptoms and improves the quality of life. A recent study published in the European Journal of Cancer found that mistletoe reduces side effects of chemotherapy in lung cancer patients.

    A recent study published in Evidenced Based Complimentary Alternative Medicine found that cancer patients with advanced tumors were able to tolerate higher doses of gemcitabine (a chemotherapy drug used to treat mesothelioma) with the addition of mistletoe.


    This herb contains a compound known as curcumin. A 2011 study published in Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology shows that curcumin extract may be safe to combine with gemcitabine chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer patients.

    Turmeric is used as an anti-inflammatory. It may reduce bruising in surgery patients when combined with bromelain (an extract from pineapples) and arnica (an herbaceous plant).

    Moringa Tree

    A test-tube study published in the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics in Oncology found a compound in moringa tree effective at killing ovarian cancer cells. Other research suggests it help cancer symptoms including difficulty breathing, cough, sore throat, fever, and joint pain.

    Precautions for Using Herbal Medicine

    Herbal medicines may be less likely to cause side effects than traditional drugs. But patients can still experience complications. Some herbs can cause negative interactions with chemotherapy drugs. Others may prevent blood from clotting properly after surgery.

    Closely monitor how you feel before and after taking herbal remedies. Patients should always consult with their doctor before trying herbs to avoid complications.

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  • Heal myositis with nutrition and food supplement


    Using the right foods can give myositis patient a lot of benefits, such as avoiding nutritional deficiencies, reducing the side effects of medicine, maintaining a healthy weight, and promoting an overall feeling of well-being. Throughout our research, we listed some nutrition, supplement, and vitamins. Read till the end to know more about that stuff.

    Before you adopted nutrition or supplement advised your doctor.

    For more information about our natural remedies kindly join us on:



    It has to do with the nutrient contained in each food group on a daily basis:                

    • Grains: a good low-fat source of fiber and energy. Whole grains, such as brown and wild rice, whole wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, rye, oats, quinoa, corn, and barley, are best, as they also provide a good supply of folate, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B2, selenium, and zinc.
    • Fruits and vegetables: contain antioxidants (a group of nutrients that fight free radicals, which can damage cells), and fiber. They are also excellent sources of Vitamin C and Vitamin A and are naturally low in salt and fat. Fresh or frozen varieties (without sauces) are recommended. If canned fruits and vegetables are consumed, choose low-salt preparations. Intake of dried fruit and fruit juice should be limited, because of their high sugar content. Try to have one or more servings of fruit OR vegetable OR both per meal. A single serving is equal to ½ cup of cooked vegetables or fruit, or 1 cup of raw vegetables or fruit.
    • Dairy products: the richest source of calcium - an essential mineral that builds bone and muscle; they are also excellent sources of zinc, B vitamins, Vitamin D, and selenium. Individuals who are lactose-intolerant (unable to digest lactose in dairy) may choose from lactose-free milk, soy milk, almond milk, and other lactose-free products that provide calcium, such as calcium-fortified juices. The goal is to consume three servings of dairy products or dairy substitutes per day.
    • Meat, fish, and poultry: excellent sources of protein. To meet the recommended guideline of one portion of lean protein at most meals, remove the skin from poultry, trim away fat, and avoid frying; instead, broil, roast, poach, or grill these foods. In addition, practice portion control. The serving size should be 4 ounces (about the size of your palm.) Meat, fish, and poultry are also excellent sources of zinc, B vitamins, and iron.
    • Beans, nuts, and seeds: provide vegetable protein and fiber. They are excellent sources of Vitamin E and selenium. Beans are also a healthy meat substitute. Choose unsalted nuts and low sodium beans including Brazil nuts, wheat germ, flaxseed, soybeans, kidney beans, and tofu; walnuts and lentils are also recommended for their high nutritional content.
    • Healthier Fats: Foods that provide healthier fats, include monounsaturated oils, nuts, seeds, and avocado. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat rich in the antioxidant polyphenol. Try to limit solid fats, such as butter, stick margarine, shortening, and lard as they may contribute to heart disease.

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    It has to do with:

    • Creatine: studied in muscle disease and thought to build muscle. This supplement is found naturally in meat and fish, though cooking slightly decreases the level. High doses have been found to harm the kidneys; however, these findings involve the long-term use of creatine in athletes. Consultation is advised if considering creatine supplementation.
    • Fish oil: may play a role in chronic heart and autoimmune disease by reducing inflammation. Fish oils contain large amounts of Omega-3s, EPA, and DHA. Caution should be taken when using fish oils. Speak to your physician if you are taking fish oil and if surgery is planned or if taking blood thinners.
    • Calcium and Vitamin D: have bone-building nutrients that may help to prevent or slow down the progress of osteoporosis. As there has been an increased awareness of the damaging effects of overexposure to the sun, especially in people with autoimmune diseases, Vitamin D deficiency is common, and many doctors include Vitamin D testing in their regular checkups. Since corticosteroids play a role in increasing osteoporosis risk, it is important to speak with your doctor about the calcium and Vitamin D dosage that is right for you. In addition to dairy products, calcium can be found in wild salmon and sardines (with bones), enriched/fortified soy milk, shitake mushrooms, broccoli, kale, and fortified breakfast cereals.

    Click on the link below to discover our natural food supplement:

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  • Natural remedies for hydratenitis suppurativa


    Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition that provokes small lumps under your skin. These lumps can be red, swollen, and very painful. They’re most likely to develop where your skin rubs together, such as your underarms, groin, or between the buttocks.

    Over time, these lumps may break open, resulting in an unpleasant smell or tunnels under your skin.

    This condition occurs when hair follicles become blocked and then inflamed. While scientists are unsure why this occurs, they believe it may be tied to:

    • Other underlying conditions
    • Smoking
    • Family history

    It’s not caused by infection or poor hygiene, though the condition can leave you more susceptible to bacterial infections.

    While there are effective treatment options available through your doctor, you may prefer to use natural, alternative treatments instead. These treatments can be lower in cost, risks, and side effects.

    To get more information about our natural remedies kindly call us on:22967546677

    Natural treatment options for hidradenitis suppurativa

    There are a lot of different natural treatments you can try to reduce your symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa. It’s worth noting that many of these treatments have only strong anecdotal evidence, with little research available to definitively prove their effectiveness.

    The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t monitor the purity or quality of supplements or essential oils. It’s important to talk with your doctor before you begin taking supplements or using essential oils.

    Warm compress

    A warm compress can immediately reduce pain in the affected area. For best results, use a dry source of heat, like a heating pad, instead of a hot washcloth. Keeping the area dry can help it heal faster.


    Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial properties. It may help reduce inflammation and prevent infection from developing.

    To use as a treatment, you can mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric with 1/2 tablespoon of carrier oil, like coconut oil. Apply the mixture directly to the affected area for 15 minutes. If this is irritating or too warm, rinse well with cool water and let the area rest before trying again.


    Like turmeric, honey has long been used for its, antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. It also has antibacterial properties that may prevent infection.

    You can mix honey with turmeric for added power and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off.

    You may also want honey virtues on hepatitis B by clicking on the link below:


    Aloe vera

    Aloe vera is known for its strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic benefits. It can soothe the inflammation and discomfort of flare-ups. Use pure aloe vera gel (with no additives) and apply it directly to the affected area. You can let it soak into your skin.

    Rubbing alcohol

    Rubbing alcohol is a strong disinfectant. It may help remove dirt and impurities from clogged pores. It might even soothe pain or irritation during a flare-up.

    To use rubbing alcohol, add to a cotton pad and apply it to the affected area. This shouldn’t be used on open wounds, as it can cause burning pain.

    Neem oil

    Neem oil has long been used to treat skin conditions like acne. It can help reduce bacteria, redness, and inflammation. It also contains a high fatty-acid content, which may aid in healing scars.

    Apply neem oil directly to the affected site with a cotton ball or pad. You can wash it off or let it soak into your skin. It can also be combined with other ingredients like aloe, honey, or turmeric.

    Apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar might not do much to treat flare-ups directly, but it may prevent bacterial infections from developing. Put a small amount of apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and apply it to the affected area. You can leave it on and let it soak into your skin.

    Eat anti-inflammatory foods

    Foods with anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent and reduce swelling and inflammation. Following an anti-inflammatory diet may reduce flare-ups of hidradenitis suppurativa and possibly help current symptoms to resolve faster.

    Anti-inflammatory foods include :

    • Cinnamone
    • Salmon and other oily fish
    • Walnut

    A well-balanced diet will often include a number of different anti-inflammatory foods, so long as it contains:

    • Oily fish
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables
    • sources of healthy fats like nuts and seeds

    Prevention tips

    Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help prevent further flare-ups of hidradenitis suppurativa. If you can incorporate these into your daily life, they’ll be even more effective.

    Wear loose cotton clothing

    Loose cotton clothing is breathable, doesn’t hold moisture, and won’t rub against your skin and aggravate it. It will help keep your skin clean, dry, and bacteria-free.

    Keep the area dry

    Keeping the affected area dry can prevent further flare-ups. Moist areas allow bacteria and fungus to grow.

    Maintain proper hygiene

    Showering daily can help wash away dirt and bacteria from your skin. Use a non-comedogenic soap or body wash, which won’t clog pores. If needed, you can also choose a shampoo and conditioner that doesn’t contain aggravating ingredients.

    Armpit and pubic hair removal

    Removing the hair on your underarms and pubic area might help prevent future flare-ups.

    Talk to your dermatologist or primary physician about your best options for hair removal. Some people find that shaving during a flare-up can irritate the area further, intensifying symptoms.

    Maintain a healthy weight

    Research has shown that weight loss may help relieve the hidradenitis suppurativa symptoms of people who are overweight.

    Stop smoking

    Smoking is unhealthy for many reasons but is strongly associated with hidradenitis suppurativa outbreaks. To support your plan to stop smoking, talk with your doctor, seek help from friends and family, and follow an effective method of smoking cessation. 

    The takeaway

    Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic condition. There’s no cure, but early treatment can help to lessen your symptoms, prevent infection, and prevent new lumps from forming.

    If home remedies aren’t working for you, or if you believe that you have hidradenitis suppurativa but haven’t received a diagnosis, make an appointment to see your doctor. If you don’t already have a dermatologist, the AFRICAN HERBAL TEA CENTER can help you find a physician in your area.

    They can also prescribe you anti-inflammatory and pain medications, topical or oral retinoids, and immunosuppressants if natural remedies aren’t enough.

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  • Glaucoma natural remedies


    Glaucoma is a serious eye disorder that can cause permanent vision loss. The disease often has no warning signs, and if left undetected and untreated, it can lead to blindness.

    In most cases, glaucoma is caused by too much pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure, or IOP), which damages the optic nerve and causes vision loss. 

    As soon as glaucoma is found, patients should follow their eye doctor’s glaucoma treatment recommendations to slow or prevent vision loss. Your doctor can recommend you some natural and home remedies. For more information about the appropriate natural remedies to use join us on:

    http:// 22967546677

    Natural remedies for glaucoma

    Although there is no cure for glaucoma, there are some natural health and wellness tips that might help your eyes respond as well as possible to medical treatment. Natural remedies for glaucoma are not enough to treat the condition on their own and will not cure the disease, but they may be a good supplement to prescribed treatment. 

    Be aware of “fast fixes” and so-called miracle remedies for glaucoma you may find online. Always speak to your eye care specialist before beginning a new regimen that could affect your condition or your health, or interact with your current treatment.

    From incorporating certain foods and nutrients into your diet to ending unhealthy habits, there are several ways to implement drug-free, natural “remedies” to complement your glaucoma treatment. 

    Adopt a healthy diet for glaucoma

    Good nutrition has been shown to play a role in eye health and may even slow the progression of conditions such as glaucoma.

    Some research shows that certain vitamins and nutrients may have an impact on IOP and the incidence and progression of glaucoma. In particular, fruits and vegetables that are higher in vitamins A and C, as well as carotenoids, appear to be helpful.

    For this reason, some of the most important vegetables to incorporate into your diet include leafy greens like spinach, collard greens, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

    Antioxidants also may help prevent further damage to the optic nerve. You can find antioxidants in foods like cranberries, black and green teas, flax seeds, pomegranates, and acai berries. 

    Other foods like peaches, carrots, beets, green beans, and radishes are important to include in your fruit and vegetable intake as well. Experts warn against drinking too much coffee and caffeinated beverages, however, as caffeine may increase eye pressure.

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    Exercise regularly to promote healthy IOP

    Moderate exercise can help you maintain healthy IOP levels. This is because exercise improves blood flow to your eyes and throughout the rest of your body. Vigorous exercise, on the other hand, can elevate IOP, so don’t overdo it.

    Some yoga positions can also contribute to a higher IOP, which is not good for glaucoma patients. If you have glaucoma and practice yoga, be sure to avoid poses such as headstands and prolonged downward-facing dog, legs up the wall, plow, and standing forward bends.

    Natural supplements for glaucoma

    If you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, natural and over-the-counter supplements can be taken to restore it, including: 

    • Zinc
    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Vitamins A, B-complex, C, and E 

    All are particularly important for those with glaucoma. If you feel that your nutrition intake is inadequate, taking a daily multivitamin can help. 

    However, it’s important to remember that vitamin supplements are not clinically proven to prevent or cure glaucoma. Always check with your doctor before taking any kind of medication or supplements to treat your glaucoma, even if you are considering natural products.

    http:// SEE RELATED

    Herbs for glaucoma

    Some herbs are believed to aid in glaucoma treatments. Specifically, ginkgo, bilberry, and forskolin may have some benefits. Benefits of these herbal remedies for glaucoma include:

    • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba): In some scientific models, this herb has shown an increase in ocular blood flow.
    • Bilberry (vaccinium myrtillus): Bilberry is popular thanks to its strong antioxidant nature. One study showed that bilberry decreased retinal ganglion cell damage in mice., but there have been no studies showing such an effect in humans. 
    • Forskolin (coleus forskolin): This herb may lower IOP when applied topically by reducing the rate of aqueous fluid within the eye.
    • Medical marijuana (cannabis): Some studies suggest that marijuana may temporarily lower IOP, but only with frequent use, which can lead to potentially dangerous side effects.

    It is important to note that while these herbs have shown promise in some studies, they are not clinically proven treatments for glaucoma. Some herbs may even have harmful effects or negative interactions with other medications, so check with your doctor before using any herbal remedies for glaucoma. And never replace doctor-prescribed or -recommended treatments with herbal remedies.

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  • Staphylococcus herbal and natural treatment


    Because of increasing antibiotic resistance, herbal teas and natural remedies are the most popular natural alternatives for the treatment of infectious diseases and are currently gaining more importance. Our main focused will be on staphylococcus infections. Read till the end to know more about our natural herbal and remedies.

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    Herbal tea for staphylococcus

    Herbal 044

    It is purely natural made from medicinal plants and leaves. The herbal tea 044 is the best remedy for staphylococcus. The remedy cures and heals completely the evil in a short time. The powder is rich in active ingredients of proven effectiveness against germs such as Gonococcus, Candida Albicans. The powder also facilitates the evacuation of exterminated microbes and the sanitation of affected areas.

     For more information about herbal tea kindly click on the link below:


    Leaves of the European chestnut

    Leaves of the European chestnut tree contain ingredients with the power to disarm dangerous staph bacteria without boosting its drug resistance, scientists have found.

    According to ploos one publication the study of a chestnut leaf extract, rich in ursine and oleanane derivatives, that blocks Staphylococcus aureus virulence and pathogenesis without detectable resistance.

    The use of chestnut leaves in traditional folk remedies inspired the research, led by Cassandra Quave, an ethnobotanist at Emory University.

    Rosehip, rosehip bag, pomegranate blossom, thyme, wormwood, mint, echinacea bag, cinnamon, black, and green teas were active against most of the studied microorganisms. In the combination studies, we characterized all the expected effects (synergistic, additive, and antagonistic) between the teas and the antimicrobials. While synergy was observed more frequently between ampicillin, ampicillin-sulbactam, or nystatin, and the various tea combinations, most of the effects between the ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, cefuroxime, or amikacin and various tea combinations, particularly rosehip, rosehip bag, and pomegranate blossom teas, were antagonistic. The results of the time-kill curve analyses showed that none of the herbal teas were bactericidal in their usage concentrations; however, in combination with antibiotics, they showed some bactericidal effect.

    The antimicrobial activity of green tea against Staphylococcus aureus both in vitro and in vivo has been reported recently. Studies on the clinical efficacy and safety of green tea as an antibacterial agent against S. aureus in human cases are rare.

    Green tea has a significant antibacterial effect against multidrug-resistant S. aureus. The minimum inhibitory concentration of green tea is established and is promising in methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections.

    Staphylococcus Natural treatment

    Most small staph skin infections can be treated at home:

    • Soak the affected area in warm water or apply warm, moist washcloths. Use a cloth or towel only once when you soak or clean an area of infected skin. Then, wash them in soap and hot water and dry them fully in a clothes dryer.
    • Put a heating pad or a hot water bottle to the skin for about 20 minutes, three or four times a day.
    • Apply an antibiotic ointment, if recommended by your doctor.
    • Cover the skin with a clean dressing or bandage.

    Treat a stye by using warm compresses over the eye (with the eye closed) three or four times a day. Always use a clean washcloth each time. Occasionally, a stye will need a topical antibiotic.

    Teens who get a staph infection on skin areas that are normally shaved should stop shaving until the infection clears up. If they do have to shave the area, they should use a clean disposable razor or clean the electric razor after each use.

    Testimony of a staphylococcus patient

    For treatment of my staph infections, I made a poultice and applied it

    directly to my wounds, I mixed it with coconut oil, as I found that using it directly was far too strong, and burnt very harshly. I also bathed in a mix of 1-4 activated garlic per bathtub. As garlic is gram-negative, and staph is a gram-positive bacterium, the garlic compound actively seeks out the staph bacteria and helps neutralize it. The allicin is not degraded further when suspended in a water solution, so chucking it in the bath will do a decent amount of good. I soaked for an hour or so, making sure I submerged my whole body every now and again.

    After around a week of garlic baths and topical application, my wounds had lost all of their redness and tenderness and were starting to heal up. Within a few weeks, it was all seemingly gone. After such a long period of pharmaceutical medicine had failed, my doctor was amazed at the work garlic had done. But he said to me with a touch of dismay in his voice, he would likely lose his job if he recommended it to many patients.

    Staphylococcus Prevention

    • Washing hands well and often is key to preventing staph infections.
    • Encourage kids to keep their skin clean with a daily bath or shower. If a skin condition such as eczema makes regular bathing difficult, ask your doctor for advice.
    • Keep areas of injured skin such as cut scrapes, and rashes caused by allergic reactions or poison ivy clean and covered, and follow any directions given by your doctor.
    • If someone in your family has a staph infection, don't share towels, sheets, or clothing until the infection has been fully treated.

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    Natural remedies for vaginitis slide down to see

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  • Get rid of Adipomastia without surgery



    You can get rid of Adipomastia without surgery. For all your fatty breast problem don’t waste your money and time in hospital. This article brings you the best solution and answers to your problem through our natural remedy. Get a seat and follow us.

    To order for our natural remedy please to call us on



    Adipomastia, also known colloquially as fatty breasts, is a state defined as an excess of skin and skin tissue in the breast without true breast glandular tissue. It is commonly present in men with obesity and is particularly apparent in men who have undergone massive weight loss. A related/synonymous term is pseudo gynecomastia

    Herbal Tea 122 for Adipomastia

    It is purely natural made from medicinal plants and leaves. Natural remedy for Adipomastia is an herbal fat food supplement that helps eliminate fat in the chest in no time.  It is indeed a great depurative, a fat sensor, and a good conditioner.
    Good remedy against Adipomastia and excess body fat. It is a product to lose weight and combat obesity and body

    heaviness. It is also a good sensor of breast fat that firmed the chest in humans. It is a product to lose weight and combat obesity and body heaviness.

    It contains Astringent and absorbent tannins, anti-inflammatory and also anti-fibrinolytic glycosides, sterols, etc. Follow us on to get more relevant information about the treatment.



    Natural cream 123 for Adipomastia

    The natural cream purifies the bust and eliminates excess fat and adipose tissue. The cream is a fat-eating cream based on plants that help to eliminate fat from the chest in a short time. It is a great depurative, a fat catcher and a good firming revitalizer. The cream is applied to your chest. Its aim is to shrink the fat cells. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. For more information about our natural remedy kindly click on the link below:

    Differences between Adipomastia and gynecomastia

    The condition is different and should be distinguished from gynecomastia ("women's breasts"), which involves true glandular breast development in a male. The two conditions can usually be distinguished easily by palpation to check for the presence of glandular tissue. Another difference between the conditions is that breast pain/tenderness does not occur in pseudo gynecomastia. Sometimes, gynecomastia and pseudo gynecomastia are present together; this is related to the fact that fat tissue expresses aromatase, the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of oestrogen, and estrogen is produced to a disproportionate extent in men with excessive amounts of fat, resulting in simultaneous glandular enlargement.

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     Gynecomastia natural treatment through

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  • Luteinized follicle syndrome treatment



    Most of the cause of infertility in men and women is due to idiopathic or unexplained causes. Among them, we have luteinized follicle syndrome (LUFS). Our article will be focused mainly on LUFS meaning, treatment, causes, and prevention. Read till the end to discover.

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    Luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome (LUFS) is a dysfunction of ovulation that is common amongst women being treated for infertility, although relatively few practitioners are aware of its significance. This article describes the treatment through herbal and acupuncture.


    There are several methods to improve LUFS conditions including herbs and acupuncture. Herbs that have enlivening/moving blood or penetration are normally selected in combination with other symptoms.

    A recent literature review on acupuncture’s effect on LUFS has been published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science. And if offers a safe and effective alternative.

    29 studies from China were included in the review. The researchers discovered that acupuncture enhanced the ovulation and pregnancy rate, and was more effective than standard medication treatment.

    Patients received electroacupuncture, ear, or standard acupuncture sessions, and, according to researches, all of them showed statistical differences over standard medication prescriptions.

    Furthermore, acupuncture therapy or acupuncture plus adjacent Chinese herbs helped to induce LH surge, improve the blood perforation of the ovarian artery, and induce ovulation; all more effective than Chlomiphene or hCG injections.

    Researchers observed no side effects resulting from acupuncture or/and Chinese herbs.

    The findings of acupuncture’s effectiveness for LUFS are encouraging. However, most of the reviewed studies had a low number of participants or had other methodological flaws.

    There is a need for further appropriately designed randomized controlled trials to confirm encouraging findings.

    Check other alternative treatment by clicking on the link below:



    • Luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome occurs when the dominant egg follicle does not rupture. When a woman has regular cycles, in more than 95% of cases it is the sign of regular ovulation. Most tests that are used to confirm ovulation document only the hormonal changes. It may also be due to:

    • Trapped egg syndrome or LUFS seems to occur more frequently in women taking fertility drugs and in women who have had Pelvic inflammatory disease.
    • Also, it is commonly seen in patients suffering from PCOD & Endometriosis



    There’s no clear prevention for LUFS to happen. On the other hand, the quality of alimentation has quite a great impact on the hormonal balance of the body, including progesterone production. Proper supplementation with fatty acids may help to maintain the progesterone balance within the body.

     You may also like a natural remedy for endometriosis

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  • Herbal and Natural remedies for fatty liver


    Fatty liver disease is a state that provokes fat to build up in the liver over time. There is no particular drugs or vaccine to heal the evil. All the same herbal tea, Diet and lifestyle changes are among the most effective ways to treat this condition.

    So, what types of diet and lifestyle changes can be helpful with this condition? Read on to learn more.

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    Fatty liver types    

    There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by heavy alcohol use whereas Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) isn’t related to alcohol use.

    Although the cause of NAFLD is unknown, it’s more common in people who have:

    • Obesity
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • High cholesterol
    • High blood pressure

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    Among our herbal tea from trusted sources that have shown positive effects on liver health include: Turmeric, milk thistle, resveratrol, and green tea.

    Natural remedies for fatty liver disease

    If you have NAFLD, keep in mind that not all diets and supplements are healthy for your liver. It’s important to discuss any alternative treatments with your healthcare provider before trying them.

    1. Lose excess weight

    The guide recommends that people with NAFLD lose between 3 and 5 percent of their body weight to reduce fat buildup in the liver.

    It also states that losing between 7 and 10 percent of body weight can improve other symptoms of NAFLD, such as inflammation, fibrosis, and scarring

    The best way to lose weight and maintain it is to take small steps toward your goal over time. Fasting and extreme diets are often unsustainable, and they can be hard on your liver.

    Before beginning any weight loss program, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider to see if it’s right for you. A dietitian can develop an eating plan to help you reach your weight loss goals and make nutritious food choices.

    2. Try the Mediterranean diet

    Recent research suggests that the http://Mediterranean diet may help to reduce liver fat, even without weight loss.

    The Mediterranean diet also helps treat conditions commonly associated with NAFLD, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

    This eating plan focuses on a variety of plant-based foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables and legumes, along with healthy fats. Here’s a brief overview of foods to focus on:

    • Fruits and vegetables. Aim to eat a variety: Try berries, apples, oranges, bananas, dates, figs, melons, leafy greens, broccoli, peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, cucumbers, eggplant, and tomatoes.
    • Legumes. Try to include beans, peas, lentils, pulses, and chickpeas in your diet.
    • Healthy fats. Use healthy oils, such as extra virgin olive oil. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and olives also contain a high concentration of healthy fats.
    • Fish and lean meats. Opt for fish twice per week. Eggs and lean poultry, like skinless chicken and turkey, are fine in moderation.
    • Whole grains. Consume unprocessed grains and cereals, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, whole oats, couscous, whole-wheat pasta, or quinoa.

    3. Drink coffee

    According to Trusted Source, coffee offers a number of protective benefits for the liver. In particular, it stimulates the production of liver enzymes believed to fight inflammation.

    The same research reported that among people with NAFLD, regular coffee consumption reduces overall liver damage.

    Aim to drink two to three cups of coffee per day to lower the risk of liver disease. Black coffee is the best option, as it doesn’t contain any added fat or sugar.

    4. Avoid foods with added sugars

    Dietary sugars such as fructose and sucrose have been linked to the development of NAFLD. Research from 2017 describes how these sugars contribute to fat buildup in the liver.

    Major culprits include store-bought and commercially processed foods, such as:

    • baked goods, like cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pastries, and pies
    • Candy
    • Ice cream
    • Sugary cereals
    • Soft drinks
    • Sports drinks
    • Energy drinks
    • sweetened dairy products, like flavored yogurts

    To identify whether a packaged food contains added sugar, read the ingredients list on the product packaging. Words that end in “ose,” including sucrose, fructose, and maltose, are sugars.

    Other sugars commonly added to food products include:

    • Cane sugar
    • High-fructose corn syrup
    • Corn sweetener
    • Fruit juice concentrate
    • Honey
    • Molasses
    • Syrup

    Another way to tell how much sugar is in a food item is to read the nutrition facts label and to look at the number of grams of sugar that are in a serving for that item the lower, the better.

    6. Target high cholesterol

    According to research from 2012Trusted Source, NAFLD makes it harder for your body to manage cholesterol on its own. This can worsen NAFLD and increase your risk of heart disease.

    Try to limit your intake of certain types of fats to help control your cholesterol and treat NAFLD. Fats to avoid include :

    • Saturated fats. These are found in meats and full-fat dairy products.
    • Trans fats. Trans fats are often found in processed baked goods, crackers, and fried foods.

    Many of the lifestyle changes listed above including losing weight, staying active, and adopting a Mediterranean diet can also help you manage your cholesterol. Your doctor might also prescribe medication for high cholesterol.

    7. Avoid known liver irritants

    Certain substances can put excess stress on your liver. Some of these substances include alcohol, over-the-counter medications, and some vitamins and supplements.

    According to research from 2013Trusted Source, it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether if you have NAFLD. While moderate alcohol consumption may have some benefits among healthy people, it isn’t clear if those benefits also apply to people with NAFLD.

    In addition, speak to a doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medication, vitamins, or supplements, as these can affect your liver.

    The bottom line 

    Lifestyle and dietary changes are currently the most effective treatment options for NAFLD. Losing weight, being physically active, cutting back on sugar, eating a healthier diet, and drinking coffee are some of the ways that may help improve symptoms associated with NALFD.

    If you have this condition, be sure to work closely with your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan that’s right for you.

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