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The kiwi fruit, or Chinese gooseberry, originally grew Wild in China. Kiwis are a nutrient-dense food — they are rich in nutrients and low in calories.


What is kiwi fruit?

Kiwifruit (often shortened to kiwi outside Australia and New Zealand) or Chinese gooseberry is the edible berry of several species of woody vines in the genus Actinidia.

The red kiwi is bred with a natural semi- information about transparent crimson coloured red flesh.


What make the difference between red kiwi fruit and the other is that it is more sweet, juicy, softer, less astringent with a nice strawberry flavour as well. For the nutrient content of red kiwifruit follow the table below to know more about it

The table below shows the amounts of specific nutrients in a kiwi weighing 69 g.

It also shows how much of each nutrient an adult needs per day, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015–2020. However, specific requirements vary, depending on a person’s age and sex.


Amount in 1 kiwi (69 g)

Daily adult requirement

Energy (calories)



Carbohydrates (g)

10.1, including 6.2 g of sugar


Fiber (g)



Calcium (mg)



Magnesium (mg)



Phosphorus (mg)



Potassium (mg)



Copper (mcg)



Vitamin C (mg)



Folate (mcg)



Beta carotene (mcg)


No data

Lutein & zeaxanthin (mcg)


No data

Vitamin E (mg)



Vitamin K (mcg)



Kiwi also contains small amounts of iron, vitamin A, and vitamins other than folate.


Like most of the fruit, red kiwifruit has also an important role to play for the health. Among them we have:

Asthma treatment: in this case the vitamin C and the antioxidant that kiwis contain can help to heal people with asthma.

Aids digestion: thank to the fiber and proteolytic enzyme that kiwis contain it facilitate digestion.

Manages blood pressure

 Protects against vision loss

Reduce blood clotting

Boosts the immune system: the large presence of vitamin c in kiwi help to boost the immune system. Please to discover other natural fruit benefits through this link

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